Battle Report – Chaos Marines vs. Primaris Marines

Rise of the Primaris
Primaris Marines versus Chaos Marines
Battle Report 2023 April 30
by Brother Brutus

Points: 2500
Table-Size: 6×4

Our group has finally committed to monthly games. We’ve taken a stand at work and said no to 80+ hours of work a week, and been granted some spare time from our families too. (Let’s see how long that all lasts…) We had our inaugural game on April 30th, with Primaris Marines taking on Chaos Astartes of the Black Legion.

Round 1

The Primaris advanced en masse during each Primaris unit’s turn. Advanced AND unleashed firepower the likes of which the game-table had never seen before. Primaris units wiped out THREE Chaos Marine squads in Round One! Two Black Legion tactical units and a squad of Plague Marines, all felled thanks to Primaris Intercessors and a Repulsor. In return, the combined forces of the Black Legion managed to destroy… a single Primaris Intercessor. This was mostly attributed by the players as the Intercessors having extremely good dice rolls, and the Black Legion having quite the opposite.

Round 2

At this point, there was more socializing than actual playing, since all players were in agreement that the battle had already been won by the relentless Primaris Marines. The 2+ save of Primaris armor again proved nigh inpenetrable, as only another single Intercessor was slain whereas multiple more Black Legion bodies fell to the bloody ground. The Chaos Predators managed to reduce the Primaris Repulsor down to a Toughness stat of only six from its original 18, with the traitor Astartes desperately needing to stop the tank’s brutal rampage.

Round 3

The Black Legion’s fortunes began to change as dice rolls on both sides approached average, with more Primaris being removed from the table and fewer Black Legion models being removed. That nightmarish Repulsor was finally blasted to bits, but the Black Legion’s joy was, however, short lived. Primaris units, including two towering Dreadnoughts, seized all three objectives, each now held by at least two Primaris units…

Round 4

Round Four saw the culmination of shrewd Black Legion tactics. Multiple Black Legion ambush (“deep strike” in 40K terms) units arrived, and managed to move to the objectives relatively intact by the end of the Round. By depriving the Primaris of uncontested objectives, the game thus ended in an actual tie, despite the fact that the Black Legion had been shockingly devastated in the previous Rounds.

Lessons Learned:
Primaris – fear the Primaris, even when using GrimDark Future (“GDF”) rules.