Article – Project Purification

I have female friends who will NOT play anything related to Warhammer/WH40K. One reason for not doing so that they all share is the lack of EQUITABLE representation – specifically being barred from seeing themselves in WH40K’s most famous faction: the Adeptus Astartes (“space marines”). Much has been said about this, so no point in rehashing it all. To alleviate their refusal to play WH40K, I decided to make a couple of female space marine armies for them.

After some research, I encountered some non-canon references to female space marines. Specifically, back in the 1980’s, a gaming magazine named Challenge had a battle scenario featuring “an all-female space marine chapter” – the Little Sisters of Purification. This scenario, “Sunstroke”, was in issue # 36, and featured a brief intro to the Sisters of Purification. If you’d like to know more about these 1st-edition female space marines, check out

I have bit-bashed various 3D files of 1st-edition-era space marines, adding in a few female heads, the chapter’s iconic top-knot, and a chapter icon for their shoulder pads. Below are some renders of various squad members that I’ll be resin printing soon for my friends:

Little Sisters of Purification: Assault Squad 3D Models
Little Sisters of Purification: Tactical Squad 3D Models

I will update this article with more photos once I get all the models printed. Thanks for reading. 🙂