2021-12-18: Warhammmer 40,000 5th-Edition League Match

Mission: Seize Ground
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Points: 2000
Table-Size: 6×4
Report By: Brother Brutus

Turn 1
Turn 1

Oh my goodness, our 5th-Edition WH40K league actually got to play a game, a real-live in-person game! Will miracles ever cease!? Apothecary Guillermo has moved back to town, the celebration of which more than warrants a get-together. Plus it provides an opportunity for a 40K match. He brought his Eldar, whilst Chaplain Leonidas brought his RuneLord Space Marines and Brother Brutus brought his Imperial Guard. Leonidas and Brutus allied, each fielding 1000 points of Imperial forces, arrayed against Guillermo’s 2000 points of Ulthwe Eldar.

Turn 2
Turn 2

Game Set-Up:

Several objectives were placed, but Brother Brutus had a total brain-fart (I blame the Enslavers, or maybe Chaos possession…) and placed an objective marker close to two other markers that were inside the Eldar deployment zone. This effectively, as Chaplain Leonidas correctly stated, sealed the battle before the first dice was rolled. Long story short, Guillermo’s Eldar were able to hold those three objectives easily since the RuneLords and Imperial Guard were deployed on the opposite side of the board and couldn’t contest those three Eldar-held objectives…

Turn 3
Turn 3

Eldar vehicles upgraded with energy-fields made a mockery of Imperial Guard anti-tank weapons, namely the Medusa and Vanquisher tanks. The Guard’s main advantage that it brought to the table (literally) were high-Strength weapons intended to penetrate Eldar vehicle armor. But with the tanks’ STR reduced to 8+1d6 by the energy-fields, the tanks’ main advantage were negated. To make matters worse, the Eldar’s lance weapons – plus some excellent flanking maneuvers by Guillermo – wiped out the Medusa and the Vanquisher anyway. The craters that you see in the photos were once Imperial Guard tanks…

Turn 4
Turn 4

Lessons Learned:

  1. Eldar are hard to play correctly , but when played correctly, can be hard to beat.
  2. Eldar players – equip your vehicles with energy-fields and holo-fields.
  3. Brother Brutus should NOT be trusted in placing objective markers. EVER.
Turn 5
Turn 5